Planning for the Peak Trading Period

Planning for the Peak Trading Period

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s no secret that every business is scrambling to prepare. You still have a little time to forecast and plan for the peak trading period, and as your most trusted commercial property maintenance service, we’ve got the essentials to help keep you cool, calm and collected.

Determine your seasonal budget

First thing’s first, you’ll want to have already determined your seasonal budget. If you’ve waited until the last minute, keep your budget on hand for the next peak trading season so you’re not left scrambling. Consider your marketing efforts, extra staff, inventory, and essential maintenance. If you need extra help configuring costs for your cleaning and maintenance requirements, give us a call and we can take over from there.

Plan your inventory

Customers expect convenience and availability since the holidays come and go in a blink of an eye. Make sure you have sufficient inventory on hand to meet demands and to create merchandise displays. Most experts recommend planning for inventory in blocks so you’re not overwhelmed with early overstock or stressing over late deliveries. To have ample space for your extra inventory, call Collective Maintenance Services to help with shelving fit-out. We recently completed four shelving fit-outs for a major international retail store and they were thrilled with the results.

Scheduled maintenance & aesthetics

With an influx of customers and clients, you’ll need to make sure your premises are in tip-top shape and well organised by hiring a commercial property maintenance service team. Collective Maintenance Services specialises in everything a business needs: trade and non-trade services, capital works, fit-outs, renovations and upgrades. We can organise cleaning, shelving, refurbishments, commercial electrical services, painting and so much more.

If you have a crisis, we are available for 24/7 emergency call-outs and we work around your business hours so your staff and customers are uninterrupted.

We pride ourselves on a high referral rate and satisfied clients. That’s why we are the leading commercial property maintenance service team available. To find out how we can make your business shine over the peak trading season, give our highly qualified team a call.

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