Starting a-fresh in the new Financial year

Starting a-fresh in the new Financial year


As we approach the end of May many businesses and organisations, regardless of their size, are thinking about the coming end of financial year and what this means to them.

The end of financial year is much more then just a date to meet with our accountants and book keepers. It is also a time for us to reflect upon what has been, and make any final adjustments and changes in preparation for the new financial year – much like a Spring clean, only we do this in jumpers not T-shirts.

This is a great time for us to complete those things we’ve been avoiding, or make that purchase we’ve been putting off in order to set the foundation for what lay ahead. It is also the perfect time to attend to any maintenance issues you might be having in your workplace or to have a deep clean of your premises.

Of course, its important that we tend to our office and work spaces 24/7 to make sure we don’t let the quality of our environment slip, however there are those times in the year that offer us an opportunity to really get in and have a good tidy up.

What CMS is doing?

At CMS, we too are undergoing this process, preparing for the new financial year by getting the wheels turning with plans to include a bigger maintenance arm of our business over the coming months. We are also looking to expand our cleaning department with more staff and improvements to our training systems.

We’ve been looking at our own premises and more specifically at any improvements it may need at this time. There always seems to be something that needs fixing or tidied up, and there is nothing like a workplace that looks and feels clean…and where everything works!

Based on this we have put together some suggestions for businesses to do in the lead up to June 30th.

These include:

CMS can support with all of the above as well as with any lighting and electrical issues that may need attention.

To get a quote for any of the above services please contact us on 1300 859 859 or email us your enquiry here.

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