The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Windows

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Windows

Just as the eyes are the gateway to the soul, windows are a viewing portal to any business. Interestingly enough, windows are often one of the most overlooked item to clean even though they are so often used.

We specialise in commercial cleaning and we understand how time consuming and easy to forget window cleaning can be. That’s why knowing how to clean them correctly can not only save you time, but it can also save you some business! Here are our most recommended do’s and don’ts of cleaning windows.

The Do’s

There are many things you can do to clean your windows properly, especially if you’re wanting to mimic a professional window cleaner. Before you follow these essentials do’s, remember to use mineral-free distilled water instead of tap water. Mineral-free distilled water is clean and abrasive-free, while tap water can contain hard minerals, which often leave streak residue.

Other do’s:

  • Clean blinds and sunscreens before washing the windows. This ensures the windows stay clean for longer periods.
  • Wash one section at a time (soap, rinse, and dry). If you have cleaner all over the window, the last sections will be dry by the time you get to them.
  • Wash windows during autumn and spring when the weather is neutral. The heat of summer dries the cleaner too quickly.
  • Use a soft microfibre cloth to wipe away excess water.
  • Admire your work so you can step back and look at the window from a different perspective. That way you can spot streaks or smudges that were missed.

The Don’ts

Just as with anything, there are several don’ts to consider if you want to get your windows cleaned properly.

  • Don’t use a lot of soap or it will create more residue build-up.
  • Don’t use a towel to dry your windows since the particles it leaves behind will make your windows look dirty.
  • Don’t use abrasive cleaners because they may scratch the glass. Collective Maintenance Services only use cleaning products that are designed specifically for windows and leave the appearance streak-free.
  • Don’t use a scraper unless there are stains or marks such as sticker residue.

Some windows are too difficult to clean and there there never seems to be enough time in the day to clean them properly. Collective Maintenance Services is an affordable, reliable and friendly company who specialise in commercial cleaning in Brisbane, Sydney and Australia wide. If you need assistance in getting a professional and thorough cleaning, call us for a consultation.

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